Santigie Kamara v Milicent Mansaray And Others (CIV APP 48 of 2010) [2019] SLCA 23 (12 February 2019)

Case summary

An appeal brought by the Appellant against a judgement delivered dated 4th november 2010 - In the matter of Particulars - In the issue of Power of Attorney and powers of Attorney given to Julius Kabba - In the matter of Want and lacking jurisdiction - In the matter of Summons for directions - In the matter of Habendum and Reddendum - In the matter whether the Appellant exercised the power to sub-lease in accordance with his convenant -                                Judgements of the court below is set aside and the Honourable court allows the appeal of the Appellant against the judgement delivered 4th November 2010 - Appellant to pay all arrears of rent to the Respondents - Each party to bear it's own cost 

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