Gruderiche v Comptroller of Customs (6 of 1928) [1928] SLSC 6 (26 October 1928)

Gruderiche v Comptroller of Customs (6 of 1928) [1928] SLSC 6 (26 October 1928)

International Trade - importation - woven goods - importation of
rolled woven goods neither prohibited nor regulated by Folded Woven
Goods Ordinance (cap. 71), s.3: The Folded Woven Goods Ordinance
(cap. 71), s.3, whereby no folded woven goods may be imported unless
folded in 36 inch lengths and marked with the number of yards contained
in each piece, applies only to goods which are folded and neither
prohibits nor regulates the importation of rolled woven goods.

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